Elderly Clients

These days elderly persons have more occasion to seek legal advice than ever before.

The elderly can be bombarded with advice from well meaning (but often ill-informed) members of their family, from commission hungry salesmen keen to sign them up to (often unsuitable) financial products and so on.

We offer highly professional advice across all areas. We recognise the fact that elderly clients need to be treated with patience and understanding. and often need the time to make a decision. 

Whilst we are not qualified to advise on particular products, we can discuss your needs with you and refer you to trusted financial advisers who will approach the situation with your needs in mind and take the time necessary to achieve the outcome you need.

We are happy to travel, within a reasonable distance of any of our offices, to meet clients. We also offer virtual meetings online, for convenience and to save on travel time.

For an initial discussion, please contact any of our offices or send us a message using the contact form on the right of this page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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